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english test lite

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https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 选择题是雅思听力考试的经典题型,虽然出现的比例略低于填空题,但每次考试都会有10-15题。选择题的难度其实大于填空题,因为选项会用...


1. 雅思听力单选题的特点(1) 题干、选项通常都较长,阅读量大,需要考生较快的阅读速度;(2).选项中干扰信息多,正确答案通常以间接信息出现。2. 单选题的解题...


例1: Cambridge 4 Test 4 Section 2 Question 13 The walks offered by TravelliteA.cater for a range of walking abilities. B. are planned by guides from t...


例题解析3: (Cambridge 5Test 3 Section 2 Question 20) With regard to their English, the speaker advises that students to A. tell their lecturers if they ...

在线等!英语奥林匹克 八年级的 第五章 竞赛模拟试题

51.He knows English,He knows French, too . A.as good B.as best C.as well D.as better 52.He was not a little tired after a long way. A.not a bit B.very C...

求一些生活常用的英语词汇 最好是带音标

1.卧室 blanket 毛毯 cushion 垫子 quilt 被子 cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 feather quilt 羽绒被 cotton quilt 棉被 bedding 床上用品 mosquito net 蚊帐 pillow...


51.He knows English,He knows French, too . A.as good B.as best C.as well D.as better 52.He was not a little tired after a long way. A.not a bit B.very C...


51.He knows English,He knows French, too . A.as good B.as best C.as well D.as better 52.He was not a little tired after a long way. A.not a bit B.very C...

英语奥赛 帮帮.

51.He knows English,He knows French, too . A.as good B.as best C.as well D.as better 52.He was not a little tired after a long way. A.not a bit B.very C...


words.Now,I am afraid of studing english,when we hold a test,I am afraid of making mistakes.I feel very terrible,As we know,your English newspaper is a ...

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